Friday, August 28, 2020

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस (29 अगस्त 2020)

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस (29 अगस्त 2020)

भारत में हर वर्ष 29 अगस्त को राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस मनाया जाता है इस दिन राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस मनाने की मुख्य वजय है हॉकी के महान खिलाड़ी मेजर ध्यानचंद जी का जन्म हुआ था। हॉकी जो के हमारे देश का राष्ट्रीय खेल है मेजर ध्यानचंद इसी खेल का प्रसिद्ध खिलाड़ी रहा है। इसीलिए उनके जन्म दिवस के रूप में ही राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस मनाया जाता है। 

भारत के राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस (नेशनल स्पोर्ट्स डे) का इतिहास 29 अगस्त 1905 से जुड़ा है जब ध्यानचंद नाम का लड़का उत्तर प्रदेश के इलाहाबाद जिले में एक परिवार में पैदा हुआ था। उन्हें खेल के इतिहास में सबसे महान हॉकी खिलाड़ियों में से एक माना जाता है। उन्होंने 1928, 1932 और 1936 में हॉकी के क्षेत्र में तीन ओलंपिक स्वर्ण पदक अर्जित किये।

उन्हें अपनी गेंद नियंत्रण की कला में महारथ के लिए "विज़ार्ड" कहा जाता था। उन्होंने 1948 में अपने अंतिम अंतरराष्ट्रीय मैच खेले। उन्होंने अपने अंतरराष्ट्रीय करियर के दौरान 400 से अधिक गोल किए। भारत सरकार ने 1956 में भारत के तीसरे उच्चतम सम्मान पद्म भूषण के साथ ध्यानचंद को सम्मानित किया। इसलिए उनका जन्मदिन 29 अगस्त भारत में राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है।

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस क्यों मनाया जाता है

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस का महत्व असीम है। यह केवल इस दिन का जश्न मनाने के बारे में ही नहीं है बल्कि देश भर में खेलों और खेलों की भावना का जश्न मनाने के बारे में है। उत्सव का मतलब है कि इस दिन के महत्व पर प्रकाश डालना और खेल के प्रति जनता का ध्यान आकर्षित करना। इस तरह के दिवस युवाओं को मान्यता देते हैं, रोजगार प्रदान करते हैं और विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं में भारतीय खिलाड़ियों के प्रदर्शन के बारे में जागरूकता पैदा करते हैं।

देश के खेल प्रशंसक सभी विभिन्न खिलाड़ियों के काम की प्रंशसा करते हैं और उन सभी महानतम खिलाड़ियों की याद में इस दिन को बहुत उत्तेजना के साथ मनाया जाता है। राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस का मुख्य उद्देश्य खेल के महत्व के बारे में जागरुकता पैदा करना और मानव शरीर के अपने फायदे को समझने के लिए लोगों का ध्यान केंद्रित करना है।

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस कैसे मनाया जाता है

भारत में राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस हर साल 29 अगस्त को मनाया जाता है। राष्ट्रीय भवन में भारतीय खिलाड़ियों के विशेष पुरस्कार वितरण समारोह को आयोजित किया जाता है। अर्जुन पुरस्कार, राजीव गांधी खेल रत्न और द्रोणाचार्य पुरस्कार जैसे प्रसिद्ध खेल-संबंधी पुरस्कार भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा एक वर्ष के दौरान सर्वोत्तम खेल प्रदर्शन करने वाले खिलाड़ियों को दिए जाते हैं। ध्यानचंद पुरस्कार भारत में खेलों में आजीवन उपलब्धि का सर्वोच्च पुरस्कार है। यह पुरस्कार सालाना आधार पर खेल से संबंध रखने वाले खिलाड़ियों को दिया जाता है जिन्होंने न केवल अपने प्रदर्शन के माध्यम से योगदान दिया है बल्कि सेवानिवृत्त होने के बाद भी खेल के उत्थान के लिए कड़ी मेहनत की है। पूरे देश में कई स्पोर्ट्स इवेंट का आयोजन किया जाता है।

मुख्य रूप से पूरे देश के सभी स्कूल इस दिन अपने वार्षिक खेल दिवस का जश्न मनाते हैं। यह युवा बच्चों के मन में खेल के प्रति श्रद्धा और विस्मय के मनोबल को प्रज्वलित करने के उद्देश्य से किया जाता है और इससे उन्हें न केवल भारत की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण खेलों में से एक बल्कि विभिन्न देशों के सभी खिलाड़ियों के बारे में शिक्षा प्रदान की जाती है। महान हॉकी के जादूगर ध्यानचंद के स्मरण के अलावा राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस पर युवाओं से एक दिन ना केवल खुद के नाम को ऊँचा करने के लिए बल्कि अपने देश का नाम ऊँचा करने की भी उम्मीद की जाती है। राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस स्वस्थ जीवन शैली का समर्थन करता है और खेल समिति के एजेंडे पर जोर देता है ताकि जितना संभव हो सके उतना लोगों की पहुँच खेल तक हो सके।

                        *****खेल-कूद का करो विचार, यह देता है स्वस्थ जीवन जीने का अधिकार। *****

Friday, August 14, 2020

Indian Akshay Urja Day 2020 (20 August 2020)

Indian Akshay Urja Day 20 August 2020

Indian Akshay Urja or Renewable Energy Day is celebrated on the 20th of August every year. Indian Akshay Urja is observed to mark the importance of renewable energy resources in India. India's government is aware of the importance of development or renewable energy sources to provide the state with a sustainable amount of energy. It is significant to promote awareness about renewable resources among people who are ignorant about the subject.

History of Indian Akshay Urja Day

Renewable Energy Day or Indian Akshay Urja Day was established in 2004 to support renewable energy development programs and promote its use instead of traditional sources of energy. The very first event relating to Akshay Urja Diwas was organized in New Delhi. In 2004, the Prime Minister released a commemorative stamp, and 12,000 schoolchildren formed a human chain to promote renewable energy.

The 20th of August wasn't chosen at random to be the date of the observance. This day marks the birthday anniversary of Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India.

Renewable Energy

Most of us would have studied in high school that energy and energy sources can be broadly classified into renewable and non-renewable energy. The energy derived from sources and getting exhausted over time is called “non-renewable energy.” Example: power generated using coal as fuel. On the other hand, the energy generated from sources that remains non-exhaustible and, hence, is not depleted with usage is called “renewable energy.” Example: power made using sunlight. The sun does not drain with usage, but the coal does. Renewable means “renewed” or “replenished.”

Importance of Renewable Energy

Renewable sources have the advantage of being renewable forever. Hence, they can be used without the fear of depletion. Moreover, increased dependence on renewables would mean decreased dependence on exhaustible sources like coal and oil. This, in turn, will not only result in the preservation of natural resources but also minimize political, economic conflicts and wars that are fought over owning the exhaustible sources. 

Another significant advantage of using renewable sources is the reduction of air and water pollution and the optimal usage of naturally available resources with minimal side effects. 

The use of renewable energy sources will also prevent any damage to life and property through nuclear disasters. At an operational level, the production and maintenance of a renewable energy plant are much more comfortable than thermal or nuclear power plants. The risks involved with an on-site job is also lesser. Also, renewable energy systems are more resilient and reliable energy systems. 

Therefore, despite having some issues in using renewable energy sources like, they are not available in the same quantity throughout the year, attempts must be made to increase renewable energy systems' installed capacity. Slowly the energy reliance should be moved from exhaustible and polluting sources to non-exhaustible and non-polluting sources like sunlight.

Quiz No 12 : Quiz on Slogan from Freedom Fighters

Quiz on Slogan from Freedom Fighters 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

गंदगी मुक्त भारत अभियान

गंदगी मुक्त भारत अभियान

गंदगी मुक्त भारत अभियान के तहत विद्यालय के छात्र और छात्राओ द्वारा कुछ चित्रकारी की गई जिनकी तस्वीरे ।

(सारी तस्वीरे देख्ने के लिये उपर स्लाईड मे प्ले बट्न दबाये)

गंदगी मुक्त भारत अभियान

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

World Elephant Day 2020 (12 August 2020)

World Elephant Day 2020

The day focuses on bringing the world together to help elephants and also inform   people and organizations about the threat that an elephant faces. Although, elephants are loved by most of the generations they are also on the verge of extinction.

World Elephant Day: History

On 12 August 2012, the first international Elephant Day was celebrated. Since then, it is observed annually and this day is dedicated to the huge animal protection and preservation. Let us tell you that in 2011, World Elephant Day was conceived by the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation and filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark. It was officially launched on August 12, 2012.

This day makes people understand the need for better protection for wild animals, elephants, and also to improve the illegal poaching and trade of ivory, better treatment of captive elephants. Do you know that now more than 65 wildlife organizations and several people around the world celebrate this day?

Let us tell you that in the IUCN Red List of threatened species, African elephants are listed Vulnerable and Asian elephants as Endangered.

Let us tell you that in the IUCN Red List of threatened species, African elephants are listed Vulnerable and Asian elephants as Endangered.

How is World Elephant Day celebrated?

The best way to celebrate the day is to educate yourself and others about this magnificent animal that is an elephant. It is necessary to raise issues that these animals’ faces and social media is the best platform for this. People watch documentary on elephants as this makes us realise about wildlife and about problems that animals face which can be an eye-opener. People donate on this day to a foundation dedicated to protecting elephants from poachers or relocating them to locations better suited their needs.

Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar released a document on Best Practices and launched a beta version of the portal on Human-Elephant Conflict on the eve of World Elephant Day. The National Portal on human-elephant conflict called “Surakhsya”. It is for the collection of real-time information and also for managing the conflicts on a real-time basis. It will also help to set the data collection protocols, data transmission pipelines, and data visualization tools to enable policy-makers to leverage HEC data for policy formulation and preparation of Action Plans for mitigation of conflicts. 

National Librarian Day in India (12 Aug 2020)

आज 12 अगस्त 2020 के दिन को भारत में राष्ट्रीय पुस्तकालय अध्यक्ष दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है ।

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

International Youth Day 2020 (12 August 2020)

International Youth Day 2020

International Youth Day is observed on 12 August 2020 to raise awareness about the challenges and problems faced by the youth and to celebrate the role of young women and men as essential partners in change across the world. The day celebrates the youth-led organizations, Governments, young people, and others who are working to transform education and uplift young people worldwide. 

International Youth Day (IYD) is celebrated on August 12 every year globally to differentiate the accomplishments of youngsters around the world in developing global association. International Youth Day also aims to endorse ways to engage them in becoming more actively participated in accomplishing affirmative contributions to their associations. International Youth Day is an awareness day created to establish the cultural and legal issues encompassing the youth.

History of International youth day

The concept of International Youth Day was suggested in 1991 by the youngsters from Vienna and Austria, for the first conference of the UN’s World Youth Council. The committee recommended that an International Youth Day be will be affirmed, especially for crowdsourcing and promotional purposes, to reinforce the United Nations Youth Fund in association with youth organizations.

United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) first designated 12th August as International Youth Day by the in 1999 by authenticating the endorsement made to this decision by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth, Lisbon in August 1998. That recommendation was later endorsed by the UNGA in the year 1999. International Youth Day was observed for the first time in 2000. It is a golden opportunity for young men and women to create awareness about the confrontation and problems that they usually face around the globe.

The theme of International Youth Day 2020

The theme of 2020 International Youth Day is 'Youth Engagement for Global Action'. The day aims to highlight the ways in which young people at the local, national and global levels are enriching national and multilateral institutions and processes and draw lessons on how their representation and engagement in formal institutional politics can be significantly enhanced.

IYD 2020 aims to highlight the need to enable the engagement of youth more inclusive for the purpose of strengthening their capacity to achieve global action. It spotlights on youth engagement through three interconnected streams namely:

    (i)      Youth engagement at the local/community level.

    (ii)    Youth engagement at the national level like formulation of laws, policies, and their                implementation

    (iii)    Youth engagement at the global level.

What to do on International Youth Day 

A lot of activities and events happens around the world on International Youth Day to encourage young people to bring them changes into the world. 

  • Many countries actively participate in this global collaboration and the events may include youth conferences on complications such as knowledge and profession. 
  • Other activities may include live concerts that support the world’s youth day.
  • On this day various sports events, parades, and manifestations that assay young people’s acquisition is organized.

Some activities are being conducted for the following,

  • To promote understanding and unity among the youngsters.
  • To improve the young mind’s active participation in social and political events.
  • To make the youngsters socially responsible.
  • Various activities like debates, exhibitions, fairs, conferences, and other promotional activities. Even the people staying at home can celebrate this day by supporting the activities through radio shows and other social media.

"Stay Home, Stay Safe"

Monday, August 10, 2020

केंद्रीय विद्यालया क्रमांक 1 जयपुर के परिसर वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम (10 अगस्त 2020)

 केंद्रीय विद्यालया क्रमांक 1 जयपुर के परिसर वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम

केंद्रीय विद्यालया क्रमांक 1 जयपुर के परिसर मे दिनांक 10 अगस्त 2020 को वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किय गया जिसके मुख्य अतिथि माननीय श्री राम चरण बोहरा, सासंद जयपुर शहर रहे ! यह कार्यक्रम Troop No 19, 1 RAJ AIR SQN NCC Jaipur तथा केंद्रीय विद्यालया क्रमांक 1 जयपुर के साझा सहयोग द्वारा  आयोजित किया गया ! माननीय सासंद के अलावा केंद्रीय विद्यालय जयपुर संभाग के सहायक आयुक्त माननीय श्री मुकेश कुमार जी, केंद्रीय विद्यालया क्रमांक 1 जयपुर के प्राचार्य श्री अशोक कुमार , उप प्राचार्या श्रीमती संगीता कोठारी, विद्यालया के  अध्यापकगण, एन.सी.सी. से सारजेेट नेमिचंद तथा विद्यालया  के  छात्र  एवं छात्राएँ उपस्थित होकर बढ़चढ़ कर भाग लिया और सभी ने पौधे लगाये !

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Quiz No 11 : Quiz on Independence Day of India (15 August)



Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India is glad to announce an essay competition for school students at the secondary and senior secondary stages (classes IX, X, XI and XII) on the theme 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat - Swatantra Bharat', which envisions the emergence of a robust and strong nation committed to the welfare of all. It is a clarion call by the Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi for a strong, vibrant and self-reliant India for all and an India of all.

The last date for submission: 14th August 2020, 11.59PM.

Students of Class IX to XII are eligible for Participation.


Attractive prizes shall be announced shortly for the national level entries. However, participation certificates shall be jointly issued by NCERT and MyGov for all participants who submit their essays.


  • Selection of the best essay will be taken up at two levels. Firstly, SCERTs may form a committee of experts to examine the entries at the state/UT level and select the 10 best entries.
  • Next, the selected 10 essays from each state/UT will become a pool of selected essays for final selection at the national level by a team of experts selected by NCERT.
  • All the entries received within the due date will be placed before a Selection Committee for final selection. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final and binding on all the contestants.
  • Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/its entries/ winners shall be subject to jurisdiction of Delhi only.


The write-ups will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Central Theme – contextual (20%)
  2. Coherence and organization in structure (20%)
  3. Creativity (40%)
  4. Clarity in language expression and Style (20%) 

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